Embark on a heartwarming journey with Louisa Palffy’s latest creation, “Stranger from the Internet.” Written by a young and talented author who finds joy in both storytelling and painting, this romantic novel is tailored for teenagers, delivering a tale of beautiful friendship and pure love.

In this enchanting narrative, experience a day that stretches endlessly without her presence, prompting gestures of love in the form of heartfelt poems. The protagonist expresses emotions that resonate with every romantic soul, unraveling the depths of love and the meaning it brings to life. “Stranger from the Internet” isn’t just a story; it’s a collection of quotes and poems that will captivate the hearts of young readers.

Short Preview:
“A day without her is terribly long and goes by very slowly. I thought about what would make her even more happy. She loves when she can read my poems, so I thought I would write her a poem. I enter into your soul. I promise you eternal love. I didn’t know what the word love meant until I found out that it means giving love to you.”

Listen to #audiobook online: Louisa Palffy: Stranger from the Internet

“Our message should have been written, and our love should have been sent…”

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O mne

Moje meno je Lujza Pálffyová. Som maliarka a spisovateľka. Moju prvú knihu som napísala v roku 2020.
Kniha sa volá: Oči iba pre neho

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