



“RILEY?!” I thought.

And I assumed that today’s event would be quite ordinary.

You’re here! Where were you wanderer?!”

I clutched him tightly in my arms, and he showed me the image in my mind, his journeys from Birmingham to me.

Emily! Forgive me for running away. I know what you’ve been through without me, I’ll never do it again. Forgive me I beg.”

He licked my face.

What happened, happened. You will not change the past… chiefly… that you’re here.!”

“Now I have to go to school, but in the afternoon you will tell me everything in detail.

Mom and Dad hugged joyfully that our family was finally together, and Emily once again has a smile on her face. Riley and I have lived and endured a lot of things. It was a difficult time when he wasn’t with me. Life without him seemed cold to me. It’s like I’m a piece of ice that only melts in the right hands. In Riley’s case – paws. Today we both learned something. There is no reason to be afraid. If something is to happen, it happens. With the right person, in my case a dog being, in the right place and at the right time. We found that friends are not separated by distance or time, but by when they stop believing in each other.

° ° °


Let it be over.

On the way home from school, I couldn’t wait for the mysterious thought conversations with Riley.

We sat down on the roof of our house, where Riley gradually “showed” me images of his harrowing journey home and the reason for his disappearance. I just shook my head that he had survived all this because he could be seduced by the smell of meat, but what a wonder, Riley is in her podstate first of all a dog and the smell of tasty meat, that’s his.

Then he whispered something to me that I was thinking about: “Emily, you believed in yourself, you believed in us. You’ve been through a lot and you’re going to survive everything that’s to come. You are a great fighter!”

Riley, from now on we experience everything together…”

I have never seen him, but it does not take eyes to make friends.

Translated by artificial intelligence from original: Louisa Palffy -Oči iba pre neho

O mne

Moje meno je Lujza Pálffyová. Som maliarka a spisovateľka. Moju prvú knihu som napísala v roku 2020.
Kniha sa volá: Oči iba pre neho

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