
I shuddered when something burning dripped onto my leg. I was lying somewhere by the fire when I felt a human hand stroking my back. I felt a burning pain, whined and whined. Human grace has always seemed strange and kind to me, and especially today. I needed her as Emily. I felt that he was somehow suffering and it still bothered me. The memory of her warmed me and also cooled me down. She cooled down because I couldn’t feel her presence. It was just a kind of desire to have it with me. A delusion that is supposed to try to confuse me out of the way and shows me only dark memories. I felt that he was thinking of me. Although he is miles away from me. I feel that we are so far away and at the same time so close. It’s a strange feeling. Really weird.

I fell asleep, but differently than I’m used to. The pain was dulled by the bitter pill that was given to me. The pain suddenly went silent. I woke up and a strange woman in a bear-like fur vest was leaning over me. So, it’s over. Now he will eat me, and then he will walk around the world in my skin, and that will be the end of my message on Earth.

The strange woman looked menacing, but her heart was as I soon discovered very good.

“Hello dog,” she greeted me.

I did not know her. I crooked my nose, and then smelled the smell of sausages.

“Riley stop. Forget! You’ve already got into the mash once. Don’t even think about that sausage,” I told myself.

“Have it,” she offered me a sausage, but I pushed my head away as a “I don’t want” gesture. Obedient auntie, I laughed, and she preferred not to bother me with food anymore. I stayed with that lovely lady for three more nights before my paw recovered. She went for walks with me, I chased butterflies, then I chased a frightened flock of her strange sheep and made friends with a domestic cow – even though she was still just mumbling and complaining about what a bitten dog I was.

“I’d love to keep you, but I’m sure you belong to someone,” epla asI was leaving for a long way to go to Emily.

“Thank you for the care of Tarisa,” I thought in my mind, and she stroked my ear. I licked her and already ran to find my second part – Emily – without which I cannot exist.

° ° °

I ran I don’t even know where. I felt like an astronaut wandering through space. There are obstacles everywhere that stand in my way like meteorites. I… I am like an astronaut without my rocket. I was eager to look at something unusual, but my rocket ran away. She couldn’t see the road without me and she wouldn’t find the right path without me. Someone has to drive it. He must command her and tell her what to do. But she misses this being. The space rocket was running away from me and I had no chance of catching it. She was hiding here and there. Life has assigned her too much, but I am the one who will make up for it all. I’m already on the road Emily! I ran for a long time. The bends led me I don’t even know where. The road was absolutely abnormally winding and tangled. I walked fourteen hours and twelve minutes. A few people who looked at me mercilessly ran under my path. It was late at night when I was hanging out under a dried-up tree at the end of Bovington Village. There was a three-digit number on the road board, and I judged that London was still a long way from here and I still had a long way to go home. But I’ll give it.

Translated by artificial intelligence from original: Louisa Palffy -Oči iba pre neho

Chapter 22: Lanterns

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Moje meno je Lujza Pálffyová. Som maliarka a spisovateľka. Moju prvú knihu som napísala v roku 2020.
Kniha sa volá: Oči iba pre neho

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